Get in touch with Steve for expert advice on Marine Containment.

Australian-made and customised options for Silt Curtains, Containment Booms, Baffles, Debris and Weed Booms.

Silt Curtains

Silt Curtains are a specialised environmental control product designed to contain and manage the spread of silt and sediment in aquatic environments. It is commonly used in construction, dredging, and other marine activities to prevent sediment contamination and protect water quality.

Designed For:

Effective Sediment Control:

silt curtain effectively traps suspended particles, preventing them from spreading beyond the designated area.


Used in bridge building, pier construction, and shoreline developments to control sediment displacement.


Essential in maintaining water quality by containing disturbed sediments during dredging activities.

Environmental Protection:

Helps preserve aquatic habitats by preventing siltation in sensitive areas like coral reefs, wetlands, and fish spawning grounds.

Stormwater Management:

Utilised in retention ponds and other water management systems to control sediment during heavy rain events.

Water Quality Preservation:

Protects aquatic ecosystems from the adverse effects of sediment pollution.



Made in Australia for
Australian conditions

Containment Booms

Containment Booms are deployed to reduce the risk of pollution reaching the shore, banks or other environmentally sensitive areas.  They may be used also, as a means to divert, deflect or create an exclusion area to protect sensitive habitats.  Containment Booms can also be referred to as Floating Barriers, Oil and Fuel Booms, Baffles, Debris and Weed Booms. 

Environmental Management Innovations supply a range of containment booms, many of which can be customised to suit your particular needs. Contact Steve for customisation enquiries.

Designed for:

  • Oil & Fuel Spills
  • Sewer treatment ponds
  • Sediment ponds
  • Marine constructions
  • Mine Sites
  • Water Treatment Ponds
  • Marine fuelling areas


  • Custom Designed to suit specific client’s project requirements
  • Made in Australia from high-quality materials.
  • Arrive ready for deployment

Weed Booms

Containment and recovery of floating weeds can be successfully undertaken with the use of specially designed Aquatic Booms. Envirosmart Weed Booms effectively control the migration of surface-dwelling weeds by creating a temporary or long-term barrier in the water. Once contained the contaminates can then be easily removed or treated.

Designed for:

  • Rivers, Streams, Water intakes, Swimming areas, Boat Ramps.
  • Improving marine ecosystems.


  • Custom Designed
  • Australian Made with high quality materials
  • Arrive ready for deployment
  • Manufactured to suit specific client project requirements

Debris Booms

Debris Booms also provide containment and recovery. These booms are often utilised for larger and more dense surface dwelling weeds, heavy seaweed migrations, floating rubbish, logs and large plastics.

Debris Booms are also more suited for higher flow water conditions because of the larger filtering area in the skirt.

Designed for:

  • Rivers, Streams, Water intakes, Swimming areas, Boat Ramps.
  • Improving marine ecosystems.


  • Custom Designed
  • Australian Made with high quality materials
  • Arrive ready for deployment
  • Manufactured to suit specific client project requirements

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